Originally Posted By: ponder
Originally Posted By: norad45
Not exactly the brightest light in the harbor, is he?

I used to work with a woman who was "accident-prone". Knowing her made me realize that the term "accident-prone" means flat-out stupid. She was in so many car accidents she couldn't keep count (Daddy paid for her insurance); she never wore a seatbelt; she didn't lock her doors at home; the only temperature she cooked with was High. I wonder where she is now, if she's still alive. Maybe her last name is Gardner now.


May I ask what this has to do with an American Olympic Legend? An olympic gold and an active outdoor life. He is only missing a toe. Maybe your friends last name is Kim.

The misquote aside, I'm not really sure what your point is. Lots of us live active outdoor lives and still manage to keep all of our toes. Why? Because we choose not to go unprepared. An Olympic gold medal is indeed impressive, but here we discuss being Equipped to Survive. I for one would have been much more impressed had he grabbed some survival gear out of the still-floating plane. Or maybe if he had built a fire on the shore using the small psk he began carrying after his snowmobile mishap 5 years ago. Or even if somewhere in the article he mentioned his newfound determination to start carrying one.

You can't rely on dumb luck and sheer bulk forever.