Quite right, and if Bozo and Booboo could find someone to insure them, the premium would be atrociously high I am sure. This is why I recommended posting a bond instead. Bonds are pretty cool tools for this sort of thing. If Bozo and Booboo make it up the mountain and back without incident, the cost of the bond is relatively insignificant. If they get hosed, then the Bondsman pays whatever the rescue costs are up to the limits of the bond, and they pay him back the rest of their lives. I like that idea a lot. If Bozo and Booboo are rich, then they can forgo the bondsman and just put a big bag o' bucks in escrow with the SAR crew (maybe a little oversimplified, but I think the point is made).

This idea that the tax kitty is there as insurance for reckless and/or irresponsible behavior is a bad precedent, both for individuals and for groups. New Orleans is a prime example of this sort of thinking on a grand scale. It stinks.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)