We pay for the military, the military likes to do rescue work... fine.

But those people in SAR who are slogging through the snow, in 80 mph winds, and low windchill temps, who are LOOKING for the fools so the Blackhawks can pick them up are usually not paid. From what I understand, they even have to foot the bill for their own equipment and much of the travel costs.

Why shouldn't the fools causing the problems for 'sport' foot at least part of the bill for their rescue? Then divide the money between the participating SAR teams.

BTW, insurance companies aren't likely to go for this kind of 'high risk' policies, because the only people who would buy it are the ones who would be likely to use it. Insurance companies are in the premium-collecting business, not the claim-paying business. Most types of polices are spread over a wide user base, and the insurance companies have calculated to the .000001 degree the likelihood of any premium holder causing the company to pay off. The many payers who never use the insurance are paying for the few who do. Joe and Jane Average aren't likely to be climbing Mt. Hood in the middle of winter with minimal gear, Joe and Jane know it, and they won't be buying the insurance, just to be paying for Bozo and BooBoo HiRisk to do it.
