I carry a couple of packets of Emergen-C when I'm backpacking.
http://www.alacer.comI used to mix it up right in my hydration bladder, but now I just make it in a cup as I need it. That's so I can keep my pure water pure for flushing wounds or eyes.
Here's what the manufacturer says:
"Emergen-C is widely used by athletes and people in all walks of life to provide nutritional support for a great variety of needs, such as starting the day, jogging, weight lifting, general stress, even to help ward off the late afternoon let-down!
"Emergen-C fizzes in water to furnish 1,000 mg Vitamin C with 28 different mineral electrolytes plus B Vitamins. A delicious invigorating drink with eight times as much potassium as Gatorade. Sweetened with Fructose (except Lite and Lo-Cal) for Quick Energy with Staying Power!"
I think it tastes pretty good too.