Before I throw my two cents in... my girl was looking over the shoulder when I was looking at your water carry option. Took me a minute to explain. After that she tells me that probably to save money you have to buy them in bulk and I said yes that's probably it. SO she said that if business in good and you place frequent orders the distributor must think you are quite a stud. LOL. Anyway...

I’ve been lurking at your web site for a long time. Personally I hate stuff dangling around my neck. It has nothing to do with choking just a personal preference. Your safety feature dog tag break away chain is the weakest link and putting all this weight on it may cause you to spill the content all over. Happens all the time with my dog tags after wearing them for a while. Also how does such a big bulk fit if you need to use a chest strap on your pack? Having said that I find your keychain solution an excellent alternative.

I didn't like the small bics. The fire starter you are using now is a very good replacement.

I think that you faced same thing that I did when trying to put together a small commercial first aid kit for sale and it is choosing brand name product vs generic brand products and saving money. I personally in a survival situation wouldn't care if my light is photon or my knife a fancy brand knife as long as that thing is with me. I wouldn’t have any problems walking into the forest with just your kit being pretty confident in the fact that I got my basics on the equipment covered. They may not be my best choices but little knife is better than no knife, fire starter is better than nothing and one led is better than none. I don't like the necklace idea but like other options and between your product and ETS kit thrown together into the pouch and my life vest or a pack I should have multiple angles covered.
