I haven't read every work in this thread, so I apologize if this has already been mentioned.

The knife that comes with the necklace can't be a terribly stellar example of cutlery. It's listed as being sold seperately for $3.50. I realize that cost cutting is a part of this offer, but that cut might have been a little too deep (pun intended!)

I can handle Photon Light clones or lesser quality signalling mirrors to save money, if it means the difference between being equipped with something vs. being totally unequipped because you couldn't afford the necklace. My personal feeling is that you can't do this same cost cutting on a knife (at least not all the way down to the $3.50 price point).

I would suggest a basic necklace model without the knife, or an expensive model (probably twice the cost) with a decent knife. Not expensive, just decent. Spydercos are good, and so are a lot of other brands. They all cost more than $3.50 though.

Please take no offense at my suggestion. I just think a cheap knife is more dangerous than any utility that might come from it could justify.