Hi again guys!

First of all, I want to thank all of you who helped me with my Aquatab issue, if it’s legal or not to sell in the USA. You guys know your poop and were a TREMENDOUS HELP. Not to mention you save me a lot of [research] time and possibly some legal confrontations too.

So what I intend to do is to play it safe by changing it to a “mini water container kit” and NOT a “water purification kit” and the Aquatabs come along with it FREE. And that the Aquatabs are not FDA nor EPA approved, they are manufactured outside the USA and to use it only in emergency life or death survival situations “at your own risk.”

Second, I sent an email to Chris asking if I can mention [here] about my new & improved Special Ops Survival Necklace and my other SOS Kits. Which he said that I could or I wouldn’t have just mention it.

Several years ago I forward Doug some samples of my old SOS Necklace and some of you here found out about it before he had time to conduct some tests on it and do a review too. Many of you thought it was a good idea in thinking outside the box and few of you didn’t like it at all and deeply criticized it.

Well, I’m a good listener and took in all your [negative] input and made some changes to it by deleting some items and adding a few more. And so now I would like your input again on what you think of my new & improved SOS Necklace. Check it out by logging onto www.therangerdigest.com and then click on my survival necklace “banner.”

Now com’on guys, be nice, this ain’t suppose to be a long term “Robinson Caruso” pioneer survival kit, only a short term survival kit.

I already know what some of you are going to say that I need to add a small container with some fishing line, hooks and some snare wire too. I’m already ahead of you on that and plan to add it to my SOS kits, just waiting on some suppliers to get back to me. Which I will then place these items inside the same type of container that my water container kit comes in.

Anyway, go ahead and take your best shot at it and let me know what you think of it and what you think it still needs or to be deleted. Like I state on my website, if you don’t wanna wear it as a necklace, then just carry the items inside a small container. Which by the way, I am also working on selling it as both, a survival necklace and key chain and letting the buyer assemble it the way he wants it. Be easier than to sell it as two separate kits.

Changing subjects…. You guys wanna laugh? You’re gonna get a kick outta this, I gotta get in the habit of avoiding using “Ranger Rick” and instead use “Army Ranger Rick.” Because this past summer I was contacted by a Washington, DC law firm who was representing the US Forestry Service. And they told me they have a federal trademark on the name “Ranger Rick” and if I don’t stop using it then they will take me to court.

According to the letter, the USFS has a magazine called “Ranger Rick” and the cartoon in it, a raccoon, is HIS NAME. And according to them, everytime some kid types in “Ranger Rick,” instead of their website & info popping up, my website (www.therangerdigest.com) pops up first instead of theirs. They, the USFS has received numerous complaints about this and so they, either this law firm or the USFS went through my entire website and found every link and page where my nickname [Ranger Rick] appeared and told me I had to either remove it or change my name, OR ELSE.

And to be honest, I was not happy about it, but then after I thought about I found it to be quit funny. And so I contacted a military JAG officer because I’m retired (military) and I’m allowed free legal advice. And so they told me I could continue to use Ranger Rick provided I placed the word “Army” or the Army “Ranger Tab” in front of my name first.
And so that’s what I did and wrote back to that law firm and told them what the JAG officer told me and they approved of it and I have never heard from them again. And so I like to tell people that I was almost taken to court by a “damn cartoon.”

Well, I think I rattled on enough, it’s now 12 noon here in Italy and so it’s 6 am and 3 am back there wherever you guys live. And so I’ll end this by saying if you have any questions that need an immediate reply back, it’s best you email me at: [email]survivalnecklace@hotmail.[/email] Otherwide I will continue to log onto this forum from time-to-time schedule and time permitting.

Ok, now I gotta go, if any of you guys are ever in or around my part of the world and country (Italy), com’on in and stop by for several glasses of Italian wine. I’m retired (military) and live here on the largest lake in Northern Italy called Lake Garda in a town famous for it’s wine – Bardolino.

When I have time I’ll tell you guys how the Italians do survival here. Nothing against the Italians, my wife and kids are 100% Italians, it’s just that they want to do things here differently than we do back in the states.

Take care and I’ll be watching for your comments about my SOS kits.

Thanks Chris for allowing me to post this here, and thank you too Dough and the samples will be sent off to you shortly.

“Army Ranger Rick” Tscherne

Owner, www.therangerdigest.com

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (02/15/07 09:28 PM)