Our pediatrictian said not to use sugared stuff like fruit juice or water with sugar, that it would make things worse. After eight hours we threw that advise out the window. We tried water, water with sugar, pedialyte straight and frozen, apple juice, milk (cool and warm), all from sippy cups and bottles (Hey, I'm a scientist. Methodical experimentation is my thing). The only thing she ended up taking was a little apple sauce. Everything else she turned her head and viciously batted away. This went on for two days and one night. Luckily the second morning she drank like a camel. If not it would have been off to the hospital.

It was scary.

So, is there a special way to "headlock" her to force water down her throat without drowning her? Gads, just the idea sounds pretty bad, definately for a TEOTWAWKI sort of situation.

Oh and Aloha, as for sleep it seems that everyone is back on a regular schedule but me. Insomnia sucks.

Foraging Texas
Medicine Man Plant Co.
DrMerriwether on YouTube
Radio Call Sign: KI5BOG
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