With all the traveling I've been doing, this is a topic near to my heart.

I put together in my BOB one of my courtesy airline pouches (the kind that they put a toothbrush, a small tube of toothpaste, some footies, an eye mask, and a fold up comb into) a collection of various liquid amendments that I've discovered over time. Amongst these are a few 1 liter mix packets of Crystal light/Kool-aid type sugar free powdered drink mixes of various flavors. These are quite effective at making less palletable water more palletable again. I've also packed individual tea bags (the kind that come packed in foil/plastic pouches to keep them from going stale), hot cocoa mix (also packed in foil/plastic), instant hot cider mix (ditto), and a handful of coffee bags. Sometimes it is a real challenge to get my hands on these in the states. I usually find them in the courtesy trays in hotels or at conventions or business meetings where all they have is hot water dispensers. I've got some Folgers single serve packs, thought that is not a brand I much care for. However, here in Australia I discovered a gourmet coffee in a bag like this sold over the counter by a company called "Robert Timms". It is a high quality coffee in an italian roast that is at least as good as the stuff I would brew at home. It is also packed in single serving foil/plastic pouches. In addition to all these drink items, I also pack some salt and pepper packets, some sweeteners (sugar and sugar free), some tabasco in a foil/plastic pouch, some taco bell sauces, etc. I've also got a couple of instant soup packets intere. That pouch is fairly well stuffed now.

I've used the old muslin weave tobacco pouches or my handkercheif or even a ripped up clean piece of t shirt as grounds holders for my coffe boiler before, though anymore I just toss in the grounds and add cold water after it is done to settle em to the bottom of the pot. I suspect all of the above will do for loose tea as well.

It is all part and parcel of my philosophy that such conveniences are readily acquired if you've the mindset for it and keep an eye out. As for freeze dried coffee, it is a poor substitute to the real thing, but I've drank plenty of it when that was all there was. I need my caffiene.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)