Cameron, you perfectly in line. Pain, discomfort and embarresment are excellent teachers. YOu let him get unfomfortable (he was cold, others were annoyed becuase he was making them saty cold) and embarrased (foot-in-mouth syndrome). So he learned he was wrong before things progressed to the "pain" stage, which is usually pass fail.

Did he watch you light the fire, or did he fail to be a student of his errors and your knowledge?

But more to the point of the overall thread, this is a perfect example of why I don't like the idea of very basic techniques here- I can tell you how to build a fire, but if you don't actually make one, then you probably can't. But you think you can.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.