Intersting article in Reuters, where many foreign counties get their views on USA:

A couple of interesting comments on how American business is (not) preparing.
I would like to get some feedback on specific thoughts as to what others think would be the most important preparation steps to being ready if cable news started reporting influenza outbreaks in the US.
I can make a couple of assumptions that this emergency would have different issues than many other situations.
Lets assume a "YOYO" (your on your own) situation, where regionally the SHTF, but it is not quite TEOTWAWKI. The outbreak story moves from cable news to your local stations.
The tipping point becomes when school district closings are announced, forcing working parents to have at least one parent home during the day. What are the priority preparedness items you would most want on hand figuring it might be 3 weeks of staying put?
Lets assume a more likely case is not complete society breakdown, but rather food availability disruptions, and only sporatic localized loss of essential services.
What easily obtainable items that you could purchase today would you be willing to stand in line for, exposing yourself to crowds, that would be first to go in the stores?
"The last time I had a "good suprise", I was 5 and it was my birthday"