Do you guys ship the sharps component of your EDC/PSK or make do without on your trip? I feel naked without at least a SAK on me. So I don't like to fly.

I personally think that the TSA should actively encourage all passengers to carry a pocket knife. Handy for every day stuff. Handy for crash survivors. Handy against terrorists. I think it would be a deterrent. A terrorist might think twice if everyone around them was similarly or better armed. That type of diplomacy worked for us during the cold war. I honestly believe that enough passengers would not put up with a small group trying to hijack a plane any more. Because if that were ever to be attempted again, people will think that they are either going to die fighting or die giving up. And and while there are many, unfortunately, who are willing to die giving up, enough would be willing to die fighting to have a chance to live.