Well, I finally broke down & bought a Mora. I picked up the model #731 (I think it is), and have used it over the past few days (got it wednesday) for mainly cutting apples. I plan on getting out this weekend & trying it out outside. I dont really care for the sheath, and am currently looking for a quality leather left handed one, preferably with a firesteel holder on it. UNtil then, I am stuck with the plastic one.
I noticed that the blade stains rather easily. Looking on several different forums, I found on bushcraftuk.com that, if you pre-stain the blade with white vinegar, it inhibits rust & stains. So, I did that, & got a funky semi-subdued color, which actually looks pretty neat. Anyway, here is the one pic I took (I wrapped the sheath with 550 cord):

If anyone makes or is selling a sheath like I am looking for, PM me. I'd like to purchase, or maybe even trade for one.
my adventures