I would really question the use of the Oak Ridge documents- after all they with the CD gave us Duck-And-Cover and "Six feet for survival." *chuckle* They also suggested using the elderly as the first line of rebuilding in the case of a nuclear exchange, never mind the fact that are generally not the best rebuilders due to loss of bone and muscle mass. Put a gun to the head of the guy who came up with that and he'll probably admit it was a forced triage measure in disguise.

The Chernobyl documents are the best out there, but I also know there are a number of endocrinologists who question how long it takes for the protection to be fully effective, particularly when you have other radioisotopes in your system. That's part of why I asked about rain gear- it isn't perfect, but with a good pair of goggles and a mask, it will protect you from the worst of the alpha and beta particles while you head for shelter, but remember to decontaminate. Heck, that's part of why I always carry ear plugs with me!

Evaguation, shelter, and management of food and water supplies will help just as much as KI will, but in a systemic rather than specific manner.

My last word on the topic.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.