The thing is our electric company has a minumum bill of $8.06 per month. So there would never be a month when I would actually get money back from them. So that nixes the idea of making extra to add to the payback.

However, that is a great point though because those original calculations by me (amateur) were based on a battery setup situation where you are completly off the grid. Which is vastly more expensive than just buying the panels. At the time I didn't know you could be wired up & let the meter run backwards during the day & then use the companies electricity during the evening.

I think the gas generator that you've listed is very possible because our current propane furnance is 90% efficient, but doesn't give us any electricity. I am going to look into this very seriously on the next house. <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> Hopefully, it will be available for purchase in Missouri at some point.