I liked the chemlight part where he attaches it to a piece of paracord and swings it above his head to make the signal appear larger from a distance (for signaling aircraft, for example).

Personally, I don't use matches so I agree with him to lose the matches, however I don't understand why he says not to bother building a fire? He says that if you can't get the fire to light up, the disapointment of not being successful with it will make your morale worse. HUH? I don't understand how this guy can be an experienced wilderness EMT and a SAR volunteer and say that.

He didn't recommend anything after saying "don't bother with matches"... I would've teached them about the Spark-lite, a BIC lighter, a firesteel with something to strike it, but hey.

How can he tell people to give up on building a fire?

"The only easy day was yesterday."