A few years back after our liferaft tests I was boarding my flight. I was one of two people pulled aside and had to take off my shoes. I can only guess the Camillus utility knife and Doug's gifted leatherman in my baggage tagged me as a person of interest. I hope it wasn't the ETS ballcap! Pilot gave me a look when I boarded in my socks, like I'm going to wait? Of course nobody objected when I took the over the wing emergency exit seat! Flight attendant even interrupted my relacing to ask if I was comfortable operating the door? I replied I was former Coast Guard. The very obvious airmarshal sitting behind me let out a sigh ( they're the guys who until recently boarded first.) Funny part was the second person of interest to be shoe checked sat down next to me. A turban, full beard and magazine in Sanskrit ( anybody know where this is going yet?) had profiled him. Ah yes, a SIKHE from India, except this Sikhe was a 5th generation central valley farmer.Yemenis are interesting. They still have small, but ancient communities of jews and christians that have not been destroyed or persecuted like in so many other nations. This may have been something sinister, or, just a stupid mistake by somebody with the misfortune to be the wrong ethnicity. I asked my new Sikhe friend ( in english) where his farm was. "Oh, two are in the Central Valley, and one is for apples in Manzanar."