Unwaxed dental floss is most certainly available. It is far superior to the waxed variety for dental hygiene. Wax on the floss was the result of some "rocking chair science" many, many moons ago. Speculation was that the wax would be deposited on the teeth thereby protecting them from attack from oral bacteria and the acid they produce. Obviously the wax does not adhere to teeth nor render any sort of protection. In reality it merely lubricates the dental floss reducing its cleansing or scrubbing efficiency. For those who have problems with the unwaxed variety shredding or breaking, make no mistake : you need dental care !!!!! Dental calculus (tartar), damaged restorations (fillings), poorly contoured restorations and dental caries (decay) are among the common causes of fraying or breaking. That said, using waxed floss is much better than not flossing at all. And really, it isn't necessary to floss all of your teeth daily, only those you would like to keep. Louis Tobia, DDS