THE RULE OF 3 is often summarized that you can die from: blood loss in 3 seconds, air loss in 3 minutes, heat loss in 3 hours, water loss in 3 days, food loss in 3 weeks, shelter loss in 3 months and health loss in 3 years.
Who came up with these summaries? Blood loss in 3 seconds??? That would be one helluva wound to bleed you out that fast! And you won't die from lack of shelter. You might die from some type of exposure to cold, heat, rain or wind aggrevated by a lack of shelter, but it's not the missing shelter in-and-of itself that kills you. Some situations without shelter might well kill you in an hour (naked in a blizzard in Antartica comes to mind). I can also think of lots of "health loss" issues that could take you out much quicker than 3 years.