I use two, one is a suunto button compass that I removed from a thermometer.<br><br>http://www.tadgear.com/x-treme%20gear/compasses%20main/suunto_comet.htm<br><br>The other I use is a penrith SAS compass<br><br>http://www.tadgear.com/x-treme%20gear/compasses%20main/sas_compass.htm<br><br>The suunto has been remarkably accurate for about 1.5 years now. It is in one of my kits next to an infinity task light and is still accurate, I tested it against my Etrex vista and brunton eclipse 8099. The penrith one is also accurate, but is new. (about 3 weeks) Only time will tell if it will stay that way. Hope this helps.<br><br>GATOR