In addition to an old SAS smock (wich contains my PSK, notepad, pencil, lighter, mimi maglight + spare batteries,field dressing, compass, bit of toilet paper, shamagh and gloves )<br>I made a plan (more a thought really) of packing a rucksack for an emergency when i quickly got to leave the house. It would include:<br>-Tough outdoor clothes<br>-4 litres of water (2 bottled and 2 in my hydration pack)<br>-A 18cm fixed blade knife<br>-48 hour rations<br>-sleeping bag<br>-stove + spair canister<br>-metal mug<br>-first aid kit<br>-local area map<br>-mag light 2D cell torch<br>-brew kit<br>-hyperthermia blanket<br>-basha <br>-£150<br>I would put my smock under the lid so I wont forget it and tie my walking boots onto it too so I won't forget them or worse have to go back into the house to grap em.<br>I also expect that I have my mobile phone and wallet on me already.<br>I got all the kit, now I just need your opinion if it is worth the carrying. <br>thanx<br><br>