I don't know. THose two kits are more complete than what I run around with, and I feel pretty comfortable with my setup.

I suppose you could look at them and say, "Why not a flashlight?", but you could also say "Why not a fixed blade, and some food, maybe a couple of signal flares, a magazine for down-time, a small good-time radio would be nice" and on and on.

I really don;t mean to poke fun, but let's be serious, when you're looking at a PSK or PMK, it's easy to get carried away with all kinds of stuff you'd like to have ..... but have foresaken because they won;t fit. Every time I look at a PSK, even my own, I'm always thinking "Man, I wish I could squeeze this in, or that". But that's just not practical. Eventually you risk reaching a point where you're better off just staying at home where all those things are, rather than trying to carry them around with you.