It is not pathetic at all. In fact I applaud you for discovering and admitting your (temporary) weaknesses and acknowledging it; If you were in a position that you needed these skill and thought it was easy, you would be defeated more by demoralization then by the fact that the fire wasnt built. Keep practicing, learning and discovering better methods. Then pass that knowledge and skill on.

I tried to make a fire with a bow and string. No luck. Then I tried it with shavings from my magnisium fire starter. No luck. Then I tried it with my magnisium and flint. I got it but if it wasnt 70 degrees and dry, I would have been very cold and wet. I kept tring and eventually I was able to start a fire by all the methods that I tried. But it took failure on many different attempts. But that is what built my knowledge. keep trying and dont get discouraged.
A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is strong enough to take everything you have.
Thomas Jefferson