Outrun a bear? A 800# grizzly can outrun a thoroughbred and kill it with one swat from it's paw. A black bear can outrun a man as well. Actually, men are slow in comparison to most 4 legged critters.<br><br>Stand your ground and never turn your back. You run, you become prey to the bear. With a black bear, playing dead don't work because they eat carrion. Make yourself as big as possible and hopefully the bear will just go it's way and avoid the confrontation. If you are attacked, fight back. With a griz it's play dead. Curl up in a fetal possition and protect your vitals including your head. Best advice is to make lots of noise as you make your way through bear country. If they know you are there because they hear you, they have time to go another direction. Also, you need to pay attention to what possition you are putting yourself into at all times. If traveling into an area that is choaked with thick brush, automatically figure that a bear is hiding and waiting to charge. That'll keep you on your toes.