As I've been away from my girls for far too long, the only thing I care about this holiday season is getting back to see them. It's coming up on the two year mark that I've been separated from my family, and it does not get any easier with time.

I am surrounded by gear, more than I can use, things I will never need. I've learned that a world without those you care about in it is not worth surviving in much. I feel very much alone now, and am almost insane with anticipation of getting home, and full of dread at the prospect of having to leave yet again two weeks later. Last time I was home was Labor day. It's gonna be damned hard to look in their eyes without losing it right on the spot and blubbering like a big baby. Ain't it funny how frail the human heart is sometimes?
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)