The liferaft rations in the Coast Guard were these compressed cornflake affairs with the consistency of cardboard and 4 soft candy packs with green,yellow,red and orange. This brownshoe ( aviation rating) decided he enjoyed them and secretely ate 3 C-130 supplies of the things in one week. He went to hospital with severe constipation. I dated this girl I really liked. She made tuna casserole, a meal I eat with reluctance, after 30 years of consuming a wretched recipe at an aunt's who relished the dish. This version was even worse, and was one of several reasons the relationship failed. A key component of any survival ration is to survive the meal. If you've never consumed a MRE, or sat down to Slim Jims, Twinkies and Cherry Jello an allready stressfull survival situation is no time for culinary exploration!