Yes and no. As you said, it could indeed slow me down in the water, so it might get left. Mine doesn't float as of right now. I'm working on it, but haven't come up with anything useful yet that won't add so much bulk as to make it useless.
Also, the Mayday call that I'd be broadcasting should help me.
Actually, as I type this, I'm remembering an ironic story. About six months ago, we had a Grumman Commander (100,000$ plane, brand spanking new) have an engine failure after takeoff. Water in the tanks, IIRC. Well, the guy ditches successfully in the bay just beyond the airport. Any life jackets or life rafts would have been little or no use to him or his passenger. What happened? Well, after his successful ditching, he and his passenger jumped off the wing, and walked through the 4 feet of water back to shore and asked the guys fishing to please allow them to borrow their cell phone. <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Fortunately, no one was hurt, except for their pride.
But, getting back to your statement, that was poor phrasing on my part. Allow me to reword: I'd go for my life jacket first, becauseI 'm not sure how long I could tread water, especially if I'm hurt. The Kit won't help me much in the water. I'd try to take my kit and go for shore, once there I'd break it open. I'd also forgotten to mention my PSK that stays in my pocket when I'm in the plane. that one is guaranteed to leave the plane with me.
Apologies, that was poor phrasing on my part.
"The object, gentlemen, is not to cheat death: the object is not to let him play."
-Sgt. Poteen