Well, I haven't had an issue with that yet. I've only flown privately from my own local airport. If I want to go flying somewhere I've never been before, I usually go with an instructor from a Flight School in the area. For example, I did this in Hawaii. That way, I log the Time and get a free tour out of it. However, I can dodge the airline mess in regards to my pocket PSK, as there is no butane or anything similar in it. Sparklite and a few different kinds of matches, plus the Sparklite Tinder Tabs. But, I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

You're correct, the Vertex is an Air Band radio. I highly reccomend this model, actually. I'm sure there are other similar out there, but I'm not familiar with them. It's not the cheapest model on the market, at about 400$, if I recall correctly. But, the features make it well worth it. It has transmit-recieve capability on both airband and on 2 & 10 meter HAM, plus FM recieve and NOAA recieve. Best yet, It's tested to the JIS-7 standard, meaning it's been proven waterproof to three feet for thirty minutes.

You're more than correct about hypothermia, although its not as big a concern here in Florida as it can be elsewhere. Yes, it can become an issue if you get wet or arne't properly clothed, but that's the same everywhere.

Part blessing, part curse, is my storage options for my kit. The fact that I'm forced to take it with me each and every time I leave the plane for the day limits its size, and consequentially, its weight. Right now, it's fairly compact. (10" X 8" X 4", plus an externally attached knife.)

With regards to the life jacket, I sincerely hope not to need it. Available at my Aircraft rental place are life rafts for rent. Sometimes, I invest if I'll be going over a lot of water on a flight. I'd much rather be in a raft than a vest. I'm going to be investing in a high-quality vest after this holiday season, I hope. Probably a Mustang Survival vest. Thoughts, anyone?

Happy Flying,
"The object, gentlemen, is not to cheat death: the object is not to let him play."
-Sgt. Poteen