"I suspect this tragedy is going to manifest itself into a lawsuit on the part of the family."

And why should it not? The authorities there have freely admitted that people seem to die there all the time (a slight exaggeration), and nothing seems to change.

No wonder that law enforcement (et al) consistently fails to coordinate their communication: they can fall back on the old, timeworn excuse when they fail because of their egos and lack of competence.

Let the lawsuits drain Josephine County right into oblivion... maybe the taxpayers will finally revolt and insist that they get their pathetic act together.

For what we pay in taxes, why do we have to rely on volunteer civilians to get the job done?

It's been FIVE YEARS since the WTC went down, there have been decades of hurricanes, and law enforcement hasn't changed one iota. They feed their egos at the expense of people's lives.
