Moderators: Feel free to move or delete this topic as seen fit<br><br>I'm not sure if this link has been mentioned before, but here goes. <br><br> <br><br>They offer a free download for medical professionals for palm pilots and whatnot. I downloaded the Rx one consisiting of a clinical drug database. It's truly awesome, you can find a drug by name or by class. Then you can search for doasge, common reactions, serious reactions, other drug interactions, etc etc. <br><br>Another nifty feature is the "multi-check". Which basically allows you to enter up to thirty drugs and check for possible interactions between them. They offer three free programs, the Rx, the infectious disease program, and also the formulary one. They all integrate nicely together and seem like a useful tool. <br><br>I've shown it to a few nurses, and EMT's and eveyone seems to think that it's a great idea. Anyone here used it? I know computers will never replace common sense and skill, but it still seemed like it deserved a mention. It seems like it would be useful in places where it's impractical or impossible to tote around a PDR.<br><br>Heres the CNET page on it. <br> <br><br>Take care,<br><br>GATOR<br><br>