In '04 I was shopping for a new SUV and seriously considered the Land Rover Discovery. I did some research, asked owners myself, drove them, drove other brands. The main factors that kept me from buying one were:
Full time 4WD, don't need that feature.
Eats fuel, partly because of above feature.
Wears tires rapidly, again full time 4WD.
Repair costs were high, dealers were few, parts hard to get.
Under powered for it's weight.
Price was higher than some other vehicles that were better.
It is uggggly, which would have been overlooked if not for all above.
All that said, the Discovery in 2004 was a good off-road vehicle, or had the capabilities desired. The LR2 is basically a Ford Explorer (new type) with a different body and fittings. It has independent suspension front and rear, limited ground clearance and is heavier than the previous Discovery. I would truly not own one if you gave it to me, I would trade it immediately for something better, there are lots of better choices out there.
I won't recommend anything, I am surely not an expert, but take the time to carefully weigh your options, ask youself what you want the vehicle to be capable of and how much you are willing to pay out in the long haul on payments, repairs, and gas/oil. I'd be surprised if you buy a Rover.
All that I say and my dream vehicle is a LR Defender 110 Diesel. I also know I will never find one I can afford. Cheers!
No, I am not Bear Grylls, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and Bear was there too!