Yeah, the stuff he does indicate he's on something allright!

I ridiculed him before, but after joining this forum and reading the posts, now I think Bear's hilarious! Everything he does is staged completely for the camera... even the boot burning on the hot lava stuff... or the "imaginary" rock falling from the roof of the lava tunnel.

I take him with a grain of salt and don;t worry the least bit about someone watching his show and trying to "run down a canyon". The self-preservation inside of all of us coupled with a little common sense dictates very few are going to try imitating his dumb stuff. And... those few will just have to meet the fate that awaits them I suppose. Imagine the things we worry about in today's society: "WARNING: gasoline is flammable! Keep away from flame and sparks!" Or take a look at your vehicle's manual and all the warnings on EVERY page. It's so comical where "we" progressed to by worrying about every little thing and how it will affect some idiot somewhere (old lady with hot coffee driving away from McDonald's....ring a bell?)

I like Bear's show. It's humorous! I like Stroud's show. It's great!