I've watched him a few times now and he makes me cringe. He constantly does ridiculous things that some people might try in a real survival situation because they saw this expert do it. I'm specifically refering to running full out through the woods at night; jumping off a cliff into a snow melt river so he can save time by floating the river rather than walking; climbing down a 40' vertical waterfall in the water on mossy rocks, again to basically save time, and on and on.

Most people trying to do these particular things would end up dying a lonely, broken, painful death.

Don't get me wrong, he can be entertaining to watch. Kind of like watching someone stick their hands in an alligators mouth and wondering when it's going to bite. Just don't want people to think that's how you handle a survival situation. I'd rather watch Les Stroud or MUCH rather watch Ray Mears to learn something.