It can be impossible to educate the masses about stuff they don't want to contemplate. Trying ot herd cats? The government has been posting info on 72 hour kits for years, and other than an initial burst after a major catastrophe, they are usually ignored.

The only way an individual can make a difference is by becoming an "evangelical" to the cause. Personally, I find these people to be anoying, whether it is for vegans, religion, anti-guns, whatever. Anyone who trys to pull me out of my comfortable rut is anoying.

The best way to make a difference is one person at a time. Pick your opportunity, lead into it, if rejected - walk away from that conversation. If you get to the point where you are providing them info on your personal stashes or escape routes, I would assume that you know them well and trust them. If you don't know them well or trust them then you should keep that info to yourself and discuss prepardness in generalities. You can always say "I read that FEMA recommends................ and I need to do that myself sometime.............." That way they won't know to head your way looking for supplies at the last minute for a five finger discount.

Its always better if they decide for themselves to start to get ready than to be led or pushed.
The Seeker