As with all things, I can only speak for myself and only offer my humble opinion for consideration.

How many times have were heard “education is the key to success”? Perhaps I am naïve and have led a sheltered life (I doubt it though), but truly believe the vast majority of people are inherently good, not seeking to cause me harm or steal me blind. Yes, I do believe in the phrase “trust in God, but tie up your camel”, but I believe an educated and prepared person, is less of threat (yes, even in a disaster) to me, then one just living hand to mouth.

By educating and helping to prepare your friend, neighbor, etc. is that not just one less person that must rely upon others? I would think that having other like-minded persons who are educated and prepared to not only be self-sufficient following a disaster, but ones who may be in the position of not only helping others but might be able to help me and my family certainly outweighs any risk of becoming the victim of their greed or lack of preparedness (although knowledgeable about what is necessary to survive).
