I was feeling bad , you made me feel worse. But really, that is not what I meant.

The subject of this thread deals with
(a) what we do NOW, not what we do after a disaster.
(b) it deals with educating and showing others , not helping people in need of help.

It has to do with this : Do I go NOW to my neighbor and educate him about being prepared and showing him how to survive and all about techniques and tools ..etc. ? I would in many cases , but there are people who are less than honest. And if I suggest to them to keep some items in their offfice desk or such places, I may just find him in an emergency looking all over my own desk or office room looking for prep stuff..

This thread asks if we should educate people who (generally) may turn to predators in an emergency. Educating them will - in a way- just help them to find my possissions in less time, and to recognize what tool is for what purpose , thus making him decide to take it. For example, if he is left uneducated, he may find in my desk drawer ( or car glove compartment) a whistle, a small mirror, and few other such items. He may just leave them. If he is educated, he will recognize their usefulness for the situation and will take them.

He will take that large trash bag too if he knows it is can become a "raincoat".

There are many different scenarios for such subject too.
Suppose you find a little hidden creek or trail that you can follow in an emergency and it will get you safely to the other side of the hil and away from danger. I dont tell my enighbor NOW, who is not prepared person anyway. This thread asks : do I have to tell him theat they way to safety is through that creek or trail, and then in an emergency find that trail choked with 100's of escapees who may even loot my survival positions ? Or do I quietly sneak up there and follow the trail / creek and pray for others to be as lucky and safe ??.

My question deals with TONNES of people , not a single helpless old person . If it was only my old neighbor I would even equip him / her with a BOB ot more. Maybe I'll try to grab him too in my bug out trip. But the problem is with groups and crowds and even sigle persons whose chatracters may be questionable in my opinion.

It seems to me at times that many unprepared people ( with the right/wrong type of mindset ) will just prefer to loot others in case of emergency. Telling them about the signs and means of preparedness is just helping them to recognize and prey on honest prepared folks who spent lots of time and money preparing.