Sometimes I try to have some converts to the prep "religion" and sometimes I question the effort and its goals or effects on really prepared folks.

For instance, some folks have warned of buying ready-made emergency kits in orange-colored bacpacks. They advise something that doesnt stand out. Fair enough. But if other people around me are similarly knowledgeable ( that survival kits should be in packs with darker colors or that a BOV should be less-than attractive truck, they will attack me and take my wreck-looking truck ( which is indeed survival-capable ) and the neutral looking fanny pack that has ( and they know it has ) enough equipment to help me through a 72-hour emergency.

Maybe if they were left to their ignorance, they will keep their impression of how a BOV should look like ( flashy and shiny with BIG tires ), and will still think a survival knife will have to be a mini-sword and a kit of any usefulness has to be an expedition-sized backpack. They wil lmiss my humble undesireable worthless-looking ME.

This may fall on the edge of ethical / moral areas. But I am only saying that I am not hiding anything from people. I am not hiding that a hurricane is coming so that I get to safety first. I am only leaving ignorant people to the ignorance they have CHOSEN for themseleves and well.. yes, benefitting from their ignorance.

Go ahead and tell me how mean I am.
Or am I ????
What do you think ?