Quickly as I can so as to be minimally political here.

I'm ever Tired of hearing many complain of "Erosion of our Freedoms"!

You Advise what you Advise here, -in Interests of our Survivibility. I so also Advise from the Same and towards that Same. Though on the very Opposite Side of your "Preference" and Coin.

Security / Safety / Survival just Trumps this! That Preference of your's and many Other's. *It*, -Security and the like, -is what must come First!

Like I've said elsewhere and before, -They're like Plants on the Path. However "Pretty" and Desireable in their own Right, -there *often* just Isn't Room for the Both of them!

This said, -and Hopefully Remembered and Understood, -I Amend myself to say that up to a Point, -there *is* Room for a certain measure of Both. Its *not* *totally* Either/Or, -at least not as of yet.

But things like Watering Down the Patriot Act, -*are* Stepping Over and Beyond this Line!

This *can* come to eventually make things Worse for us in the World. Which can in turn move to make things Totally "Either/Or", -and this in "Security First's" favor.

How via your Preference and Route, -you may end up getting the very thing that you *Don't* Want!

Beyond the present Line and Point that I speak of, -There just *Isn't* Room for Both!!!

Yet all too many continually Pine for a Measure of Both, -*Beyond* this all round Point and Line!

Very Understandable and all!, -on its own Right and Grounds!

But we're Far from Limited to the Luxury of such Grounds Alone, anymore! We just Can't be Having, -such "Both Ways Luxury"!

A Greater "Erosion of our Freedoms" than we'd Prefer or Like!, -for the Time Being and Duration (but for No Longer), -is just the Price we must now Pay, -*for* our Freedom and its Survival. *For* those Very Freedoms that we wish Not to see Eroded!

Guys like you speak of Freedom "Shooting Itself in the Foot", -*by* a putting of Security First. I rather beleive that that very Characterization, -lies on the Exact Opposite side of that Coin!

Important, Special, and Priceless as these are in themselves, -All too Many of us are Pining for them / Lamenting their Actual or Potential Loss, -"Over and Beyond that Line"!

We've *got* to for once and for all Make Up our Minds! We Can't be having Both! Which of the Two is it going to be?!

The Answer should be only Obvious. "Freedoms First" only leaves an otherwise Securely Locked Gate, -Wide and Open!We can come to *not* have Freedoms to be Caring about!

So in the total all round Scale Weighing here, -Security's obviously got to Come First! Whats Truly in our Security, Safety, and Survival.

Any "Watering Down Less", and "Entertainment of Both", -and we're only *Still* in Pre Sept *10th* of Mindset and Times! I thought we were suspossed to have "Learned on such" by now!....

We *CAN'T* be Having Both! Over and Beyond that Line that I speak of. Thats All thats TO it!

Until via our *Not* Shrinking so, -we someday will Truly Find ourselves *Out* of these Woods!

To paraphrase Robert Frost in "Telefon", -"Those Woods that we Pine for, -are Lovely, Dark, and Deep!, -but We've got Miles!, -*Before* we again Comfortably Sleep!"

We are still a Long Ways!, -from being Out of those Woods!

We Sure ain't gonna Get There, -by *PRE*-Sleeping on the Job!

Or by Deciding on "Unadulterated Freedoms over Security"! In any sort of "Either/Or", "Which is it Gonna Be?", -of a Choice.

We just *CAN'T* Afford to be Having Both! When here are we Finally gonna Learn?!

And then Follow Through with the Requisite "Stick to it edness"! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]Farmer[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.