Right now, we're storing it in a small, zip-lock baggie, but I suppose I'll have to graduate to a small plastic container with a screw-on lid.... like maybe a waterproof match container. Maybe not. The baggie works well because some of the parrafin oil gets squeezed out of the steel and saturates the inside walls of the baggie. Then we can squeeze the wool and move it around in the bag before removing it to tear some off. It picks up a little more oil that way.

Before parrafin oil, I tried using a little denatured alcohol to wet the steel wool. It worked, but I gave up on it because it wasn't producing a flame. However, we didn't "field test" it.... we just did it on a cookie sheet in the garage. Now, I learned by reading that thread I was mentioning earlier, that there was a flame!! We just couldn;t see it because the alcohol burns so clean. Does that sound right?

Anyway, the oil is better. Alcohol evaporates too quickly. If I ever finish making my "PSK", I'll have a little steel wool in there without any additive. It can just lay in there bare and take up very little room.

Edited by Stretch (11/28/06 07:26 AM)