
Ever wear body armor? I guarantee your dog will not approve. Better just to put him under a big plastic shell and teach him to duck down when the big dog's come snooping.

You know, I've been thinking about this "how to avoid a dog attack" challenge, and I think there's a suitable, albeit slightly extreme solution for situations where you can't avoid confrontation with some idiot's dog that is running around free as a lark. For about $50 you could build an omnidirectional ultrasonic transmitter that sweeps from 18 KHz to 28 KHz at about 100 db. Basically, you'd generate an envelope of great deterrance to dogs ranging from 15 to 30 feet in all directions. In fact, any dog in your immediate vicinity (say 100 yards) is going to know you are there and want to get as far away from you as possible.

Perhaps that is a little too extreme, okay, build a proximity detection system into it so that if any dogs move to within 15 feet or so, it triggers the device automatically , blasting him with wholly unexpected and highly uncomfortable ultrasonic noise. Concerned about subjecting your pooch to such an assault, you can engineer the sound device to create a cone of greatly diminished noise levels within 5 feet of your location. Your dog will still feel the effects, but they will be greatly diminished.

It won't be much longer until we have electronic sentinel systems hovering above our heads protecting us from the threats of having to roam out in public. There are already some great examples of robotic deterrant systems on the market that function extremely well in a household or office environment, providing a highly effective security and protection capability. It is just a matter of a few more years, and these devices will be portable enough to take outside with us. Imagine having a large disc hovering 10 feet above you, equipped with a whole arsenal of security and protection devices, even stowing an array of survival gear if you want. It won't be much longer.

Functional exoskeletons are also very close to a reality now, too. I reckon in another twenty years folks will be walking around in outfits looking like stormtrooper costumes from Star Wars, with an array of HUD and communication systems, surveillance gear, battle protection systems, and atmospheric indepence built into the suit. Bikers will be able to walk away from 11 g impacts without any injuries.

Well, think about it. It's a brave new world, but one full of danger.

Just some crazy notions I guess.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)