I really do not hate Bear at all. I admire his physical condition and his fortitude. What I do hate is the way he handles a "survival situation". He goes out of his way to take extreme risks and sensationalizes almost everything on the show.
He surely has a crew along, thus has a safety net of sorts. That does not give him license to do dangerous stunts to demonstrate how one should go about surviving in the wild. Some of the scenes are almost certainly staged carefully to impress the viewer, while demonstrating little good survival sense.
The show is a direct opposite of Survivorman, where Les Stroud improvises wisely, takes minimal risks for the sake of drama and shows viable technique in each segment. Maybe Survivorman is not watched by the same audience as the X-Games, perhaps that is the viewer type that Man vs. Wild is aiming for.
I have run down a few mountains, when I knew what was over the next rise, I have parachuted into the dark in unknown territory in service of my country and I have risked my life a few times, perhaps too many. But, I would never recommend those techniques to someone in a survival situation and preach that as the "manly way to survive".
No, I am not Bear Grylls, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and Bear was there too!