Hmm, not sure about that. I live in a big old nuclear target. This has been true pretty much my whole life (except for the years I lived overseas). Maybe I'm too adjusted to it, or am living in denial, I don't know. I do know that moving my entire family (wife, sister+brother-in-law, brother+sister-in-law, neice & nephew, parents/in-laws, 2 dogs, 9 cats, 1 snake and bunch o'parakeets) to a smaller city upstate (or out of state) is a major undertaking--although it's still the plan over the next 3 years or so. For the immediate future, we have plans to shelter in place (mostly due to limited transport out of town), food, water, medical kits for everyone, etc. Which reminds me, it's gettin on time to re-evaluate the food closet and re-pack the BOBs.