Surefire M6 - bedside table, or carried if I feel I might need it

Maglite 4D - by bed, rarely used

Inova T1 - bedside table (relegated to this position due to a flakey switch)

Streamlight TL-3 - default "carry if it's dark"

Pila G3 (with a 200 lumen Surefire lamp) - backup to the Streamlight

Petzel Tikka XP - typically in bag during winter or if I'm away from home.

Princeton Tec Aurora - backup to Petzel

ARC-AAAP (older version) - on keys

Photon Freedom red covert - attached to wallet

CMG Sonic - on spare keys

Big cheap "x million candlepower" rechargable lantern - in coat cupboard

Princeton Tec 40 - stored

CMG Infinity -stored

Various other photon-lights - stored/in kits

Mmm, clearly I don't have enough lights yet.
