Quick Freebee Update-

To date over 50 members have taken advantage of the freebee offer, everyone will receive the items, some just a little bit later then others. I started to assembly the first 30 this weekend and should, hopefully start to send them out next weekend.

Just a quick clarification: These items are not the “starter kits”, but various miscellaneous items I think that you will find useful in adding to your kits. Those starter kits for youth will be offered at a latter date. A couple of you have stated you will be “sharing” the items with youth/Scouting groups and I have tried to get back to you that the items in and of themselves may not lead to a specific training opportunity per say. However, for those of you who do let me know how many are in your troop, I will send enough of some of the items for each youth/Scout to add to their kit.

I also want to thank everyone for your notes of “Thanks” and offers to help out. Please no reimbursement for postage, this is my (and my families’) way of saying thanks to you all for participating and sharing on the forum and in your communities. The offers to help out on a larger scale with a donation, again thanks, but would prefer if you made the contribution to ETS, so we can all continue to enjoy this site and forum.
