Its funny how some places have the $ and gear while others don't. I used to install dispatch systems, the 911 ANI/ALI systems, CAD systems, etc so I've been to a lot of places. Southern Ohio there are two counties side by side and countly level both built new dispatch centers around the same time with the e911 funding. Gallia county built a nice two story building, both floors divided in half down the middle. Upper floor one side was the offices, other side the dispatch room, bottom floor under that room was the equipment room and the other half was empty space where they could setup anything they needed with folding tables and chairs. They had two heating and cooling systems, one for each half of the building and if one failed they could open the doors and one system could heat or cool the whole building. They had a secondary phone system paralleling the first so if the first died they would just switch to the second and pull the secondary phones out from under the desks. They had dual power feeds, one from OH and one from KY so failure of one they would just run from the other and a big generator outisde with a gas station sized tank underground.
Then the county next to them the dispatch center was built in Loudenville. It was along the main street in town in two old houses that were close enough together they joined them as one. I had to run wiriing in the basement of those old houses through the tangled mess that had been there for years and the houses were so old the foundation was big rocks stacked up, no cement or morter or anything. Their police cheif used his own personal vehicle, an old truck and Gallias police chief had a department proviced Ford Bronco decked out with all kinds of gear.
But it shows that you can't rely on anyone but yourself, you could get lucky and be in a place which has all the good toys or you could be in a place which doesn;t have anything and when you call because your stranded they call the nearest farmer and he arrives on his old tractor hours later to help.