A recent post by JIM asking about aircraft survival kits reminded me of this for some reason:

Many years ago (circa 1970) my mother dragged me to a Home and Garden show at McCormick Place in Chicago (was NOT my idea, dad flat out refused and sis made herself scarce). Anyway, the Illinois State Police had a display there and part of it was a cruiser with a plexiglass trunk lid to show off all the stuff they carry. I was really impressed, this sucker was packed: box o' flares, stretcher, gonzo first aid kit, food, water, tools, etc., etc. The apparent reasoning was: "Well, we're always first on the scene when things go bad, might as well be prepared even if we don't how to use some of this stuff. Hopefully there'll be someone around that will."

Now I'm pretty sure that's no longer the case (and I kinda' doubt it ever was), the question is: What is typical trunk carry in cruisers these days (state, county, local, whatever)?