Organized some of my previous purchases for future inclusion into various packs. Bought water and rotated some stock of the same. Bought bleach, rotated stock as well. Put one of my LED flashlights through it's paces, packed extra batteries for it in my "Ready Bag". And I generally buy some food stocks and keep them rotated every other week or so. I need to pick up some more MREs to stock up. I'm also in the early stages of planning a new storage system to help with rotation. Added/removed/rotated items in my "Ready Bag" for which I recently purchased a new bag... <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Oh, and Ironraven, try mobile firefox (or any of the other mobile apps) on the FASTEST USB 2 flashdrives you can find - even ones from a year or two ago don't remotely compare to today's fastest drives. There's a large difference. There are some other tweaks you can do to make it load faster if you want to get under the hood as well.
Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.