This week... I bought some new boots (Danner Light II's) for my feet. Winter is coming!

More than anything, I think I will use this week to get my kits back into shape and re-stocked. I'm going to try to pare down things a bit and make it simpler to just "grab and go". I'm thinking along the lines of, "body, bag, bin." Thanks to the suggestions and answers from all of you folks a little while back, here's what I've got in mind:

1. Body - small PSK and EDC items carried.
2. Bag - backpacks, bug out bags, EDC bags.
3. Bin - plastic tote bins with camping gear and 72 hour+ kit(s).

I also really need to break out the FoodSaver and seal up some fresh batteries, first-aid supplies, etc. And get some more bottled water for my stash. And probably another can opener just for the heck of it!

Phew. I guess my weekend is shot now. <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />