I know of no hospital environment that allows ANY software to open/run other than the approved set of applications. I think this is one of those "meals in a pill" egghead ideas that pays no mind to the reality of how humans interact (both for good and evil ends) and how large, interoperable data systems need to work.

On the plus side, the Zaptag is a contact read device. That's good and better than any RFID or Bluetooth implementation. But on the minus side, you have a READ/WRITE device that you want IT directors to allow on their networks. Not going to happen with data security fears.

Look I'd love ot have transportable records, however in a heterogeneous IT environment, coupled with sensitivities about privacy and so forth, you're going to have serious challenges that might not be worth fighting.

On the other hand, if you also offered - for Free - Zaptag reader software that you were willing to develop as an open-source product so that IT directors would add Zaptag as a "trusted" application you might be getting somewhere. better still would be a way to work with a hardware vendor to create a zaptag reader that's nothing more than a USB card reader with a serialized rom that will only read zaptag data - and nothing else.

But in the end, I'm not sure how I'd even GET my medical records from the doctor - they are all handwritten notes over the last 10 years at this one practice.

And, to be a bit harsh about it, I know enough about computers and data securty to be sure I never, ever, ever want some parts of my life digitized. Once you digitize, you loose all control of your information.