I have been reading about disaster prep for many years now. I am a server at a restaurant and that is my little niche in life. I make incredible money for what I do. I am interested in taking my disaster prep in a new direction now and wanted some advice. At a crisis scene there are hundreds of people working towards the goals of search and rescue, and that has been my goal as well, until now. I wanted to use my profession to its full potential in a disaster so I thought I would start to design a mobile kitchen to feed all the workers/victims. In the event of another 911 attack would an independant food vehicle be allowed to be there? I already have a plan for the foods and supplies as well. I have gone to all the local restaurants in the neighborhood and talked to the persons in charge about making donations in the event something were to happen and almost all of them said they would be more than happy to donate some food items, paper goods and the like. Over the next year or two I could build up quite an inventory of kitchen equipment and food service items using a small budget. I have the experience of cooking in the military(about a years worth of doing it in the field on mess duty) and that helps me with a lot of my thinking. Chime in and let me know what your thoughts are.